MARCH 24, 2014

MARCH 24, 2014

Sunday, 25 May 2014

On May 7, 2014, I met with Carole Chretien-Rankin in downtown Toronto with another survivor and the lawyers. I am proud of Carole Chretien-Rankin. She is a SURVIVOR. She did a interview with the media. I get the feeling that Carole Chretien-Rankin said more in this interview but the stupid media edited it out. Question: Why? Is there a reporter in Ottawa prepared to do a full interview with this survivor?

Reporters can contact her on Facebook here:!/caro.ran

Watch the video here:


  1. I just finished reading the comments in the story about Carole Chretien-Rankin. Some of the comments are rude. I encourge readers to ignore those rude and ignorent comments. They dont know what they are talking about. They are probably also hired by the goverment to do damage control on the internet. Shame on them!

  2. Carole Chretien-Rankin is a good person and those comments are ignorent. She is not doing this for the money. She is doing it for much better reasons.

  3. This lady is 3 years older then my aunt and she has hobbies too but yet she finds the time to do this interview. Why? Because she cares about the kids

  4. I met her and I am confident that she is a good person and that she is NOT doing this for the money and that she really does care about the children. I think it would be very good if Victor Malarek interviewed this survivor in the future. This survivor is 53 years old. (3 years older them my blood aunt)
