Please watch a video of the meeting here:
Do you want to know more about Lee Bolton? We share a lot of the same experiences. Take note of the aunt and newphew part.
I was looking at old photos of me when I was only 15 and even 10 years old and I too always had a big smile on my face. Now, I often look sad or angry or disgusted.
Read this:
Do you want to know more about Lee Bolton? We share a lot of the same experiences. Take note of the aunt and newphew part.
I was looking at old photos of me when I was only 15 and even 10 years old and I too always had a big smile on my face. Now, I often look sad or angry or disgusted.
Read this:
If kids are really being abused, put them with relatives or friends, not with pedophiles and criminals, like they do now (and they only SAY they have a policy of placing with kin - the reality is, they don't). They do get money for kids. But way more than people realize, because there are a thousand ways to make a buck off stolen children - drugs, therapy, expert witnesses, lawyers, judges, etc.