Teen dies while in foster hell
This 15 year old killed herself. If you drive someone to insanity and they kill themselves that makes you a murderer. Will the government and the media protect the killer or will they publish the name of the killer and the 15 year old girl? I would like to know the name of the 15 year old girl.
Who am I? My name is Larabee and I am a former foster child of the CAS in Ontario. CAS was involved in my life for 15 years.
The CAS and the individual workers were dirty and corrupt when I was 15 years old. I was 15 years old and was depressed and felt lonely and was missing my blood aunt and I told a male worker that I wanted to kill myself. Do you want to know the workers response?
The worker laughed at me and told me not to kill myself because it would cause him to do more paper work. That IS appalling. I even had workers who would ENCOURAGE me to kill myself and would mock us children and make fun of the fact that we wanted to see our family and friends.
He cared more about the fact he would actually need to work and less of the fact that he was supposed to protect me and help me.
Nobody cared about me. The CAS did not care that I was being abused and neglected in the group homes and foster homes or kids jail.
If they did care, they would have helped me file a claim with the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board. They would have allowed me to live with my blood aunt.
CAS abused and neglected me when I was 15 years old. I'm alive today because I fought them at every change I had. It would sometimes take 5 staff to just retrain me.
And remember, I was only 15 years old being physically restrained by grown adults.
I would punch and kick and even bit and even spit at staff.
I even and ran for my life and decided to sleep on the streets.
I know that if I had not been able to fight and escape..... I would have taken my own life too.
But I lucked out.... as you can see not everyone is so lucky....
Any thoughts?